Fresh Macbook and a set of neat tools
See also 2020 version
I recently bought a Macbook Pro Retina (Late 2014) with 128 GB of storage. I thought that if I needed 256 GB, I could just buy a regular SSD and swap them. Turns out i can’t. Or.. I can, but it’s a special SSD that costs a third of a new Mac. And I just bought one! I can’t even afford milk! Anyhow, here’s a **list of software that I “need” **as a software kind of guy:
- Slack - the best team communication platform
- Dropbox - having my data stored safely is just really neat. Also need it for collaboration some times
- Google Drive - same as with Dropbox.
- Sublime Text - best editor.
- PyCharm - best ‘heavy’ python editor.
- WebStorm - best ‘heavy’ javascript editor.
- TotalFinder - Honestly just for cmd-x to cut
- Alfred - I don’t have words. It’s an awesome utility must-have.
- 1Pass - Never have to remember passwords again.
- Spectacle - window manager for OS X.
- Skype - Talking with people (though I try to use appear.in when possible)
- Spotify - Musicplayer
- Balsamiq - Making sketches and mockups for costumers
- Flux - Adjusts the screen lightning to make late night coding more pleasant
- FileZilla - FTP Client
- Sequel Pro - SQL client
- HomeBrew - need it for all these awesome things
- brew install git
- brew install node
- npm install -g grunt-cli gulp
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