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AWS CodePipeline


CodePipeline is a specification of how your code runs out to production.

What it does is connecting source code with a builder (optional) and a deployment platform. For example, you can set it to trigger a deploy to AWS Beanstalk when a Github repository is updated. And with its 1$ / month, it’s practically free to use. However, CodePipeline is currently only available in eu-west (ireland), us-west (oregon) and us-east (n. virginia). A pipeline consists of:

  1. A **Source **(Github or S3 bucket). You can make it trigger e.g. when branch master is updated on a certain Github repo, or an S3 bucket path (zip) is changed.

  2. An optional **Build provider **(Jenkins or Solano), that can test and build your code.

  3. A Beta (AWS CodeDeploy or AWS Elastic Beanstalk) which accepts your code and deploys it.

  4. A service worker, a IAM role which is allowed to perform the necessary deploy to CodeDeploy or Beanstalk.

If you want to set it up, make sure it’s available in your region and check out Create a pipeline in AWS CodePipeline.