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Notes && Anecdotes

Clean Code III: Functions

clean codeRobert C. Martin

Functions should do 1 thing. And be short. With few args. Without comments.

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Functions should do one thing

You can tell that a function is doing more than one thing if you can extract a function from it with a meaningful name that is not merely a restatement of its implementation.

Make functions at one abstraction level

Don’t jump between abstract method calls and string operations in the same function. That would be a sign that you should refactor out some parts in the function.

Return a value, OR change a state

**EITHER **your function returns a value **OR **it does something. This might not always be possible to make it so, but atleast **TRY. **The example Roberts mentions a method that is called checkPassword og something, and also happens to initialize a session (which would be applicable the first time, but break stuff later). Return a value OR do something.

Functions should be less than 20 lines

Long functions are hard to read. If they’re more than 20 lines, they probably are doing more than one thing.

Use descriptive function names

Don’t be afraid to use long function names. Don’t be afraid to use some time coming up with it. It’s so important for the readability.

Use no more than 3 arguments

The ideal number of arguments is zero. A function that has zero arguments is really easy to understand. If you have 4 variables that are so cohesive that they can be passed as a unit into a function, you have a structure. You’re probably going to use the same set of variables in other functions, don’t you think?

Don’t use comments

Comments are bad. They are an excuse not to refactor out a function. They are a confession that the code that has been written isn’t understandable in itself. Instead, write properly! And by the love of God, don’t comment out code. You’re making a mess. The code you’re about to comment is in the source control. Don’t worry about it.